The water that is slightly basic than regular tap water or drinking water is referred as Alkaline Water. It contains basic minerals such as calcium, magnesium, or bicarbonate. These compounds bind to hydrogen ions in solution, making the water…
Step by Step Installation Guide For Aquafresh RO
Equipped with advance Reverse Osmosis technology and latest purification methods to filter water, Aquafresh RO is an exclusive and affordable option for your drinking habits. The following steps can help you install the Aquafresh RO in your home without any…
Drinking Water Facts
A lot of us do not think about the kind of water we drink. We simply switch the tap on fill a glass and drink. However, how much water do you think we need to drink on a daily basis? Have you asked yourself how safe is your drinking water or would you prefer bottled…
How to Choose the Best Water Purifier for Your Home
Choosing the right RO water purifier for is a challenge as when it comes to our health, what we eat and drink will affect it. The human body can live without eating food for a couple of days but cannot survive without drinking water. The best way to get rid of all the impurities in our drinking…
Is Water Purifier a Luxury or a Necessity
A glass of water sitting on the table can be seen from two angles. It could be seen as pure drinking water you drink, which could give you a sense of satisfaction or it could be seen as a glass filled with viruses and bacteria, you would drink without a second thought. Evaluating the ramifications…